
The world according to Monsanto

Never a firm was as much controversial, It threatens food security but also the balance....

13 years ago

Is bottled water dangerous ?

Tap water is 1000 times more environmentally friendly than mineral water. Furthermore, boire de l'eau en bouteille coûte entre

13 years ago

Initial analyses on the traces of drugs in water

The Ministry of health wanted to draw up a report on the presence of residues of drugs...

13 years ago

Our water is polluted and toxic

How is it that the quality of water in nature (but also that we consume) se soit autant

13 years ago

Dangers and risks of Bisphenol A (BPA)

Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical compound used in the manufacture of food plastic and ...

13 years ago


The main function of histamine is to destroy foreign substances. L'histamine est aussi libérée lors de réactions...

15 years ago


Phthalates are a group of chemical products (salts or esters) phthalic acid....

15 years ago