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Filter jugs : a health hazard ?

In 2010, It sold 1 million filter jugs. Real society phenomenon, There are many families in France who have opted for this solution, which allows to filter the tap water. About 20% homes are equipped at present time. The German mark, Brita, is the undisputed leader with 90% sector market share.

The success of these carafes is due to several factors :

1) Marketing

According to the Union that defends the bottling industry, Brita segment 10% of its turnover to marketing, What is huge. The mark does not hide that it attaches great importance to advertising to become better consumers know and better showcase its products.

2) Des “atouts” mis en avant

La carafe filtrante est “plus pratique” selon la marque car il n’est plus nécessaire de transporter les bouteilles d’eau, elle est plus “économique” car le prix au litre est fortement réduit et pour finir, greener car waste is less.

You should however know qualify these assets. Indeed, water from the tap is still preferred because is available immediately (a few minutes of waiting are necessary for water is filtered by a carafe). The tap water is even more economical as a carafe costs an average of 20 € to 50 € and cartridges, to change monthly, on average 7 €. L’eau du robinet est également bien-sûr plus écologique car elle est dépourvue de tout “emballage” jetable (CF. cartridges that you throw every month).

Le principal argument de vente est leur capacité à filtrer l’eau afin de la rendre “meilleure”. And it is on this point that the rub.

Member of Parliament for the Alpes-Maritimes, Mrs Marland-Militello asked the Minister of health and sports for a survey filter carafes be carried out. Nous lisons dans la réponse de Roselyne Bachelot que “l’utilisation des carafes filtrantes ne fait aujourd’hui l’objet d’aucune recommandation par le ministère chargé de la santé, l’eau du réseau public devant déjà être conforme aux exigences de qualité réglementaires”. We read also, not without some surprise, that of “relargages de substances toxiques ou indésirables dans l’eau consommée [outcome of filtering carafes] sont possibles” during intensive use or when the cartridges are not changed in time.

His side, Nathalie Davoisne, the water C.I (Water Information Center) affirme “préférer l’eau filtrée à l’eau du robinet, It is above all a matter of taste. Filtering does not improve the quality of the tap water, This water is subject to multiple controls and is perfectly drinkable. But if you choose to buy a Brita jug must think about changing the filters, otherwise il peut y avoir un risque sanitaire”.

What is really ?

Consumers ' association Only choose did a study on 7 new filter carafes in the laboratory and also studied those used every day in 30 families. The editor-in-Chief of the association, Jean-Paul Jay, has brought the findings early may 2010 France-Info.

Laboratory results :

  • The removal of chlorine taste is real. On the other hand you should know that you will have the same result, and this completely free of, leaving a jug of water for an hour in the refrigerator.
  • 6 carafes on 7 have one “certaine efficacité” to reduce lead levels (less than 10 micrograms per litre), When they are new. Jean-Paul Geai we must relativize these results because the lead pipes are becoming increasingly rare. In 2013 a standard provides that lead levels below 10 µg/L of water.
  • The decanters are totally inefficient to remove nitrate.
  • “L’efficacité des carafes filtrantes est très moyenne” to eliminate the pesticides (Here the glyphosate has been sought because it is one of the most used pesticides).
  • Carafes boast all reduce the limestone. M. Jay says that “la réduction du calcaire est réelle mais modeste”. However he added that what the carafes called limestone is actually calcium, indispensable to the proper functioning of the human body. Studies estimate that the water we drink is 20% intakes of calcium per day. So it's totally ridiculous to remove it from the water.
  • The cartridges that also use Silver for filtration salts in replicating in water. Selon Que Choisir même si “les doses sont faibles” pourquoi devrait-on en retrouver après filtration alors qu’au départ ce métal n’est pas présent dans l’eau du robinet ?

Outcomes for individuals :

The association alerts us that “là, c’est la catastrophe” et affirme que “l’analyse de l’eau filtrée par ces carafes chez une trentaine de familles donne des résultats pires que l’eau du robinet avant filtration”. Lead, nitrates, limestone, pesticides, micro-organisms, the salting-out of money, are all found in larger proportions. “Au final les résultats sont désastreux pour l’eau filtrée” concluded that to choose.

There are several reason for this. It is necessary to handle the carafe with a lot of precaution (hand hygiene, etc.) otherwise the microbes can greatly multiply (especially in the ambient air). It must also be very strict with the replacement of cartridges which can, After a certain time, become tedious and costly or simply be forgotten.

Main sources :

Further reading :

Denis Lefevre and Vazken Andréassian : Water at Risk ? : A resource to preserve daily

Today, each uses French 148 liters of water for their daily needs. If our country appears rather well endowed with water, some regions have excess or shortage, or diffuse pollution. Will we run out of water ? Can we have confidence in tap water ?

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F. Boyat

View Comments

  • Thank you to you to remember that despite their undeniable success, les carafes filtrantes peuvent présenter quelques lacunes et qu'il est indispensable de les manipuler avec la plus grande précaution.

  • capita Grenoble where can I drop the cartridges for Brita filter jug, for recycling.
    jusqu'à maintenant les cartouches "waste" going in the trash.
    thank you for your reply.

  • on the cover of my graduation brita glass carafe ref 102346 no longer works or
    then I find a new cover for the thought that I have to change any of your answer ..merci

    • Hello. Not need to change the cover. J'ai retiré le petit compteur de son logement et l'ai remplacé par un neuf acheté sur Internet. Good to know that this block is tight but as it contains the battery, celle-ci n'est pas séparément remplaçable. Also be aware that this small counter with 4 barres noires indique l'écoulement du temps et non la quantité d'eau filtrée. The actual duration effective filtering is therefore a function of the refill frequency by each user. I filled in Myenne 4 fois par jour et je remplace quand le compteur m'alerte (plus de ligne noire visible), c'est à dire une fois par mois.

  • Hello. You write that the cartridge removes limescale but not calcium. And that calcium is necessary for health.

    I'm sorry this is all wrong. The calcium present in water is also called limestone, it is exactly the same thing..

    Then saying that calcium is necessary for health is false.
    Because the calcium found in water is mineral and cannot be assimilated by the human body at all.. 0% benefits and 100% harmful just good for overloading your kidneys.

    There is calcium necessary for health, il porte le même nom or il est d’origine organique. Il s’agit d’une molécule organique de source végétale ou animale. Seules les plantes ont la faculté de transformer le calcium minéral du sol en calcium organique assimilable par les humains.

    Le lobby de l’eau fait croire depuis très longtemps que le calcium minéral de l’eau (limestone) est nécessaire pour la santé or c’est une simple arnaque.

  • It should be noted that it is essential to

    • wash your hands before handling or changing cartridges
    • rinse the cartridges once a week
    • clean the carafe with hot water and soap every week to avoid any contamination

    This is an elementary rule of hygiene which seems obvious for any other kitchen utensil or glass so I think that the contaminations are nevertheless more attributable to a lack of maintenance than to the carafe itself

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