
UFC-Que choose

Choose online is published by the UFC-Que Choisir, not-for-profit association created in 1951, oldest consumer association in Western Europe.

The UFC-Que Choisir is an association law 1901 strong of near 170 local associations bringing together more than 141 780 Members and ensuring 300 reception points spread over the whole of the french territory. The leaders of the UFC-Que Choisir, both at the national and local levels, are volunteers assisted by a team of employees : engineers, lawyers, journalists… An Annual General Meeting of the Federation defines the orientations and proceeds to the election of its Board of Directors. It, under the authority of the president, coordinates and implements the policy and strategy of the Federation.

Finally, UFC-Que Choisir is also a recognized association for the defense of the environment. Independence, Democracy and solidarity are the three pillars of the operation of UFC-Que Choisir.

As part of the international collaboration between consumer movements, UFC-Que Choisir is a founding member of the European Bureau of Consumers' Unions (BEUC), based in Brussels, which represents the interests of more than 40 consumer organizations with all community institutions. BEUC has already obtained important concrete measures : the ban on hormones for fattening purposes, the elimination of lead in gasoline, repression of false advertising, restrictions on door-to-door canvassing.

UFC-Que Choisir sits on the board of International Consumer Research and Testing (CITR), structure for cooperation in comparative testing between major consumer associations. It allows particularly heavy and expensive tests to be carried out jointly..

The UFC-Que Choisir is a founding member of Consumers’ International (CI), global consumer organization which aims to develop associations in all countries of the world, by adapting the structures to each region, and by bringing together developed and developing countries.

The UFC-Que Choisir is totally independent manufacturers, traders, services activities, trade unions, press or financial groups, political parties, the Government and, more generally, any interest or group other than those of consumers.


– promote, to support and link together the individual or collective actions of consumers, taxpayers and users tending to guarantee the recognition and respect of their rights, the free expression of their opinions and the defense of their individual and collective interests ;

– foster support for use by consumers themselves problems ;

– represent groups and individuals who are concerned with defining and supporting consumer action to enable them to conquer and exercise their power in society, in order to achieve an improvement in their living conditions in all areas : production, distribution, public or private services, market or non-market, environment, health, etc. ;

– perform or promote all actions, studies, Research, comparative testing of goods or services, either on its own initiative, either in collaboration with other associations or organizations, to provide consumers with useful information and elements of judgment ;

– disseminate such information, in particular through press or publishing articles and other media (including Internet) and to provide consumers with the means of training and education that are useful to them ;

– present in all places and with all instances, and in particular in court, the material and moral interests of consumers.

The establishment of the UFC-Que Choisir throughout the territory gives the association a role as a pressure group vis-à-vis the economic and public authorities.. The UFC-Que Choisir makes every effort to modify the legislation or regulations in a way that is more favorable to consumers.. Thus, the Federation regularly conducts information campaigns, responds to the Parliament hearings, proposes amendments to laws, seeking departments, appeal to local elected officials, recalls their obligations to professionals, etc. This pressure group mission is also carried out at European and international level.

Means of communication

Each month, the magazine Que Choisir carries out a series of in-depth surveys and publishes the results of its comparative tests, both products and services : quality/price ratio, cost effectiveness, safety, energy consumption, etc.

The UFC-Que Choisir publishes also each month 'That choose health'. Relying on the expertise of independent practitioners : doctors, professors of medicine, researchers, pharmacologists, “Que Choisir Santé” offers reliable information, rigorous and unpolluted by conflicts of interest. It addresses both the treatment of serious illnesses and everyday ailments and deciphers the very rich news in the health sector. His goal : answer everyone's questions and concerns regarding health and allow them to communicate more effectively with the medical profession.

Since late 2002, the Internet site www.quechoisir.org also offers consumers, 24 h/24 h, thousands of articles, comparative tests and practical information. An electronic newsletter is sent every Tuesday free to users who wish. Through its forums, the website of the UFC-Que Choisir is also a space for exchange and consumer mobilization.


Website of UFC-Que Choisir : www.quechoisir.org

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