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companies : What are the benefits of water fountains relative to bottles ?

verre d'eau

A water cooler is a device that distributes drinking water. The water fountains cylinders are used everywhere, whether in business, home or even in public place.

How does a water fountain cylinders ?

The operating principle of a bottle water cooler is based on the continuous pressure. This machine is composed of a valve and a source of water tank or mineral water placed height.

The cylinder feeds a tank cooled by a refrigerant gas. Anyone can enjoy a cool water throughout the day !

What are the advantages of a bottled water fountain? ?

According to article R.232-3-1 (decree of 7 may 93) of French legislation of the Labor Code, every company must offer fresh drinking water to its employees by providing them with an easy-to-use source.

Water is an essential physiological need. Hydrating regularly helps increase performance and ensure physical and mental well-being. This is why bottled water fountains are increasingly used in businesses..

Aesthetic and modern, the water bottle fountain is the easiest source to use, the most effective and accessible. It is also the best alternative to water bottles.

The plastic bottles for water fountains exist in several volumes 5 litres, 10 litres, 12 litres, 20 liters… They will therefore be able to meet all needs, regardless of the number of employees, by ensuring continuity of service.

But that's not all ! The change / installation of the cylinders is quite easy to achieve. The water contained in these large transparent bottles has all the nutritional and taste qualities.

Very space-saving, bottle water fountains can be placed anywhere. These fountains do not require filter cartridges. Indeed, the water contained in the carboys is of excellent quality.

Inexpensive, easy to use and maintain, the water bottle fountain is the best source water and mineral water distribution system. This machine is essential to keep your employees and collaborators well hydrated. It is for this reason that professional bobonne water fountains are very present in companies, associations, administrations and all other organizations.