

HANDLES : National food safety agency, environment and labour

Created in 2010 by the merger of AFSSA (French food safety agency) and AFSSET (French Agency for environmental and occupational health safety), the handles is “la plus grande agence de sécurité sanitaire en Europe par son champ de compétence”.


ANSES ensures Eve missions, of expertise, de recherche et de référence sur un large champ couvrant la santé humaine, health and animal welfare, and plant health. Elle offre une lecture transversale des questions sanitaires et appréhende ainsi, de manière globale, les expositions auxquelles l’Homme peut être soumis à travers ses modes de vie et de consommation ou les caractéristiques de son environnement, including professional. It responds to requests for expertise and alert the authorities in the event of a health crisis.

Field of competence

The Anses is implementing a scientific expertise of independent and pluralistic.
It mainly helps ensure human health security in the areas of the environment, work and power.
It also helps to ensure :
– the protection of health and the welfare of the animals ;
– the protection of the health of plants ;
– the evaluation of the nutritional and functional properties of food.
She finally performs tasks relating to veterinary medicinal products.

The COVES in figures

– 1 350 agents
– 800 external experts mobilized in the Group of experts
– 130 million euros of annual budget
– more than 8 000 notices issued since 1999
– 250 scientific publications per year
– 12 laboratories on 16 geographic locations
– 80 national reference laboratory mandates, European and international
– more than 100 PhD students and post-doc
– 5 EUR million per year to support calls for research projects

Website of ANSES : www.anses.fr

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