L’association L214 révèle, dans un établissement en Vendée, des conditions de production d’œufs « exécrables »
Sausage with Salmonella
The company Les Salaisons Boutot has recalled a batch of "Sausage Cabécou" following the....
Recall : Bobbin farmer Red Label
The company Les Poulières Léon Dupont has recalled a batch of "Label Rouge farmhouse can...
Cutlets salmon contaminated with Listeria
The DELABLI company has recalled batches of "2 Pan-Fried Salmon Escalopes" next to a...
Recall : Sauce Ketchup Panzani
The Auchan brand has recalled batches of Panzani brand ketchup sauce tubes..
Patties Recall filled Bertel
The company GALETTES BERTEL has recalled batches of "Garnished pancakes x2 Goat cheese Bacon...
Reminder Cider
The Viard cider factory has recalled batches of cider bottles following suspicion of....
White Onions of glass fragments
The Reitzel Briand Company performed the batch recalls jars of "Small white onions" follow-up to....