Fatty and sugary foods Posts

Chewing gum = danger ?

Chewing gum is a sector booming ! It targets all ages : children with bubble gum, young teens with fruit chewing gum, the older with chlorophyll and those in mint strong for adults. Nothing is left to chance from marketing campaigns to placement in RADIUS (near caisses) for a chewing gum be saying good health.

Indeed, chewing gum would have virtues for our Organization as for example to improve our mood, us de-stress, to improve memory in oxygenating the brain, to help digestion after a meal (by increasing salivary secretion), or to reduce the risk of dental caries. Some most unusual chewing gum from abroad would allow even to inflate your breasts, reduce cancer and even promote erection ! What all these “chewing gums”, are they really as virtuous as they claim ?

And after the UFSBD (French Union for health Bucco-dentaire) chewing gum would also allow a much faster return to normal of the ph of the mouth, thus reducing the risk of developing cavities. As you'll see in Special Envoy – Mystery and gum ball (below) the integrity of the UFSBD can be controversial because in fact it is chewing gum manufacturers who fund it to the tune of 10%!

A few years ago some doctors noted that people had of severe digestive disorders (source : The Quotidien du Médecin, December 2007). The status of these persons was due to a very high consumption of chewing gum without sugar. To replace sugar, some chewing gums are composed of sorbitol, a sweetener to power sweetness also used for transient constipation. And after the British Medical Journal, 5 to 20 grams of sorbitol per day would be sufficient to cause the disorders in the intestines (toss, flatulence, acute diarrhoea, etc.) and that in the past there are risks of weight loss. You should know that chewing gum contains 1,25 Gram. Chewing gum would cause also of the aerophagia (air in the stomach) and promote ulcers !

One of the other ingredients “Classics” sugar-free chewing gum is Xylitol (E967). It is a polyol extracted from birch bark which is a substitute for the classic sugar. It has the same sweetness and taste like sucrose (and is almost two times less caloric). And after l’EFSA (European food safety authority) “to xylitol chewing gum decreases the risk of dental decay in children”. Know about and xylitol in high doses exposes you to the risk of osmotic diarrhea.

Analysis of ingredients :

We have included the list of ingredients of a package of chewing gum at random and have highlighted the harmful ingredients or at least “to avoid” the label with their descriptions below. You will find you even that there are many ingredients that are harmful to the health.

Acesulfame-k E950 : sweetener 200 times more sweetness than sugar. It would be more dangerous than the saccharine and theaspartame.
Health hazard : increase of cholesterol, cancers, problems in the lungs, Hypoglycemia, etc.

(Source : www.danger-Sante.org/category/additifs-alimentaires)

Aspartame E951 : It is very used in the lights products (drinks, cakes, chewing gum, etc.)

Health risks : digestive disorders, headaches, insomnia, weight gain, joint pain, memory lapses, panic attacks, infertility, etc. (For a complete list see section Products Light and Aspartame = Danger ! )

Type: Dye.
Name: Copper complexes of chlorophylls and chlorophyllins the.
Color: Green.
Note: Chemical product. Little known safety. Avoid.

Type: Dye.
Name: Titanium dioxide.
Color: White.

Note: Chemical product. Little known safety. In doubt, refrain. (Source : www.medecinesnaturelles.com)

Maltitol : cause intestinal disorders (stomach cramps, aerophagia or even diarrhea for some people). (Source : http://lowcarbdiets.about.com/od/nutrition/a/maltitol.htm)

Sorbitol : would cause diarrhea and large weight losses at high doses. (Source : http://avosoignons.blogspot.com/2008/01/Le-sorbitol-provoque-des-diarrhes-et.html)

Antioxidant BHA, Gum base : see Special Envoy – Mystery and gum ball (below)

In the report of Special Envoy you will see that the “gum base” consists of many chemical components strange such as lithium (used in batteries), Polyvinyl acetate (used in some glues and paints). The BHA antioxidant present in most chewing gum is when to him likely to be carcinogenic to humans, What to do think…

Special Envoy – Mystery and gum ball (Share 1) :

Special Envoy – Mystery and gum ball (Share 2) :

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Hiba Sonia
Hiba Sonia
8 years earlier

If it is not pig-based it is best (Muslim) the pig contains more danger I chewing gum more it proves in the Holy Quran

8 years earlier
Reply to Hiba Sonia

Learning to write French.
I just understood what you mean.

Hiba Sonia
Hiba Sonia
8 years earlier

There is even a control for food products!

8 years earlier

Okay fed food additives but the least worst is Xylitol is Basifying from studies and an article I read on the site equilibreaunaturel.com …Except that in France we find no chewing gum that xylitol…Belgium yes yes even with the USA indicated no gmo, without lecithin, etc…home there is always aspartame or other merdouilles !!!

8 years earlier

say I just buy .. I will throw ! berk ! I eat around 3 per month .. be about 1 moin same week so its gonna ..

8 years earlier

thank you for the great special envoy , and dangersalimentaires.

Remove chewing gum
Remove chewing gum
8 years earlier

An article rather uninteresting on chewing gum, even if it is not applied to all brands.

Bernard Brassac
Bernard Brassac
7 years earlier

All this is true for “chewing gum” is commonly found in commerce. I have 73 years since I consume 4 years a brand of chewing gum that offers a completely natural product. Certainly, it has no flavor (false) chewing gum ordinary but it contains no harmful additives such as those described above. This is the American brand GLEE.

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