News Year 2017 August

Adulterated eggs sold in France, officially “no risk”

eggs Fipronil

hot and cold : hot and cold “hot and cold” hot and cold.

Fipronil is commonly used against lice and ticks on pets, hot and cold. hot and cold, hot and cold.

hot and cold, hot and cold 250 000 hot and cold.

hot and cold “hot and cold”, hot and cold. hot and cold, hot and cold “from 196 000 hot and cold” avait été mis sur le marché entre le 16 April and the 2 mai et avait déjà été consommésans impact pour la santé”.

M. Travert a ensuite donné la référence d’undeuxième lot qui vient des Pays-Bas”, portant le code 0NL43651-01, et qui est donc issu d’un élevage bio (car précédé d’un 0), comprenant “about 48 000 œufs qui ont été mis en vente par des magasins Leader Price entre le 19 and the 28 July”.

Tout en faisant état de la présence de ces lots d’oeufs dans les rayons des supermarchés, le ministre a tenté de rassurer le public, fort d’un avis de l’agence nationale de sécurité alimentaire (Handles), confirmant selon lui que “the risk to human health is very low given the levels of fipronil which are recorded in the contaminated eggs, but also in view of French food consumption patterns”.

Based on data collected during”national studies of food consumption”, ANSES estimates, in an opinion released on Friday, that “the maximum number of eggs that can be consumed between one (for a child 1 to 3 years) ten day (for an adult)”, “without incurring an acute risk”.

“Contamination levels present no risk to consumers”, said on RMC Stéphane Travert, “but with knowledge of the batch number, if they prefer destroying or removing them, they have all the freedom”.

The France is “irreproachable”

The Minister of Agriculture announced that “all products containing eggs from infected flocks are withdrawn from the market pending test results” and that these foods “will be back on the market in case of positive result”.

“Consumers have the right to know that there are fipronil residues in food they can consume. They should have the choice to continue or not to consume”, told AFP Fany Molin, spokesman of the General Directorate for Food (EB) the Ministry, in charge of this.

“In France, in terms of health, one is perfect and you have to stay on, même si c’est contraignant”, a renchéri à l’AFP Christiane Lambert, présidente de la FNSEA, qui a pointé du doigt lelaxisme inacceptabledes pays voisins de la France et dénoncé toute remise en cause du modèle français.

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Mara Tella
Mara Tella
6 years earlier

Ensuite on apprendra plus tard que finalement ct dangereux et que des personnes sont malades voire même mortes

Djoule Veg Cosmeto HM
Djoule Veg Cosmeto HM
6 years earlier
Reply to Mara Tella

c’est la France!!

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