News Year 2011 February

Death after eating in Quick ?

Saturday update 19 February 2011 :

It is now official the Quick meal was the cause of the death of the teenager. Indeed, Staphylococcus aureus has not only been found in gastric fluid but also the schoolboy 5 of 8 employees who worked the 21 January to Quick and on the tiled floor of the stand of the food packing.

Facing this scandal, Quick responded a few hours after the announcement to try to catch up with this disastrous image of the Group. On the Facebook page and YouTube Quick Group President spoke through a video. He says that “only a failure at the local level could cause this tragic situation” and that “These are not products, Neither the raw materials that are involved”.

A judicial investigation was opened against X for involuntary manslaughter Friday.

Friday update 11 February 2011 :

The prefecture of the Vaucluse announced that it would allow the reopening of the Avignon Quick. She said in a statement that “Quick continues to work seamlessly with the administrative and judicial authorities so that are explained the causes of the death of the teenager”.

We also have learned that Vaucluse Matin has obtained the report of the Departmental Directorate of protection of the population led to the closure of the Quick. The daily stresses that on 40 points of control, 14 It was noted in “non-compliance” whose 5 “major”.

An inspector said in the report which’ “in many places the complaints to gorges are stripped and do not allow a clean and effective disinfection…” and “that the painting of the wall plates is very worn in places, especially at the place of manufacture of sandwiches”. It notes also that portions of gaines “badly cut” present of “important holes” who let the dust.

Vaucluse morning adds that staff in the kitchen did not follow training “hygiene” for a year, they do not wear the proper footwear and qu’It wouldn't wash where hamburgers are made.

Everyday more got the prefectoral decree which also confirms that “DDPP agents found serious shortcomings in the rules of hygiene and general maintenance of premises and facilities”.

The Quick in question had already suffered a reminder in 2008, the report states that “Aging highlighted in the last speech in November 2008 worsened”.

Feel free to post your feedback at the bottom of page !

Saturday update 29 January 2011 :

According to counsel for the Republic in Avignon, Catherine Champrenault, analyses revealed qu’ There are “a high probability of food poisoning the cause of this edema [which is causing the death of schoolboy]”. It was discovered the presence, in gastric fluid, a “Staphylococcus aureus” and a “Bacillus cereus”. According to the Prosecutor There are “rather a probability” the meal of the day before or the consequence.

For his part the president of the Quick group, Jacques-Edouard Charret says he uses a “independent accredited laboratory” for analysis and “all samples showed results in line with health standards”. It adds : “I officially request the reopening of the Quick Avignon Cap Sud restaurant whose temporary closure precautionary principle now seems more justified”.

Original article from Sunday 23 January 2011 :

Last Saturday a teenager from 14 years died in the village of Oppède in the Vaucluse. The cause of his death is currently unknown, but investigators focus on the trail of food poisoning.

The eve, the student went to eat with his father in a Quick restaurant located in the commercial area Cap Sud on the national 7 in Avignon. He had ordered, like his father, a hamburger «Extra Long Beef Pepper». A few hours after, both were considered violent headaches and vomiting.

The survey says that adolescence, fragile health, "could be a victim of a ruptured aneurysm related to stress and the convulsions that have accompanied his vomiting.. An autopsy was performed this afternoon to determine the exact causes of death. Catherine Champrenault, Attorney of the Republic of Avignon, has stated that “nothing has been revealed by the autopsy, or a cerebral edema, or pulmonary edema, so it is still not known the causes” and added that “the thesis of foodborne illness is neither excluded nor proven”. Expertise is underway and the results will be surely known before the end of the week.

As a precaution, fast food has been closed until further notice, a prefectoral Decree following. Food samples were also made. Quick branch announced that it «will face its responsibilities if the results showed involvement». The group said in a statement that "no other customer who ate in the establishment has complained or reported have been suffering..

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Martin J.
Martin J.
13 years earlier

This is outrageous ! Shame on you Quick ! When I see all those who also support Quick on shame on you fb page ! Quick, us is death !

13 years earlier

You should know that the employees of Quick are not trained on hygiene problems and their serious consequences. Support personnel ( managers and directors ) are young people who do not have the authority or the vigilance necessary to verify that all tasks are performed in the rules. There is a big lack at this level. Real coaching is not one that exerts only a pressure to get the job done, but above all, monitoring of every moment and an effective presence of officials.

12 years earlier

It's good. Anyway since when the Fast Food are good for your health? Everyone goes there anyway so stop. I think that's uin sandwich that makes this boy has died. Why him and not someone else who took this same sandwich? Must not be a controversy. This is not because this restaurant or serve as a Quick there is a tragic thing that's ca throughout france. It is of anything.

10 years earlier

Today, we know that the Quick Manager that this case has ruined was out of question. The media lynching has destroyed his life, has ruined it. It is a psychic murder like the one that killed the doctor Ko lanta or Pierre Bérégovoy and a accused of Outreau. Shame on those who spread rumours and which condemns on rumours.
Michel Muller
President of the association of victims of ITO slanderous

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