Fatty and sugary foods Posts

GMOs in Nutella ?

After having seen that the Nutella is composed of 60% sugar and palm oil and it contains the most dangerous phthalate, the famous dough spreads would probably contain GMOS.

According to the European regulation foods that contain more than 0.9% of GMOs must indicate on the label. However manufacturers are not required to mention on the packaging “presence of GMOs” for example, When These products are derived from animals fed with GMOs. This gap allows GM to end up on our plates without us knowing most consumers are against ! The french are 78% a wanting to temporarily prohibit GMOs in order to accurately assess their health and environmental impacts, that explains well why manufacturers do not hasten to write it down when this is the case on the packaging of their products.

Greenpeace conducted its survey in order to better inform consumers about the presence or not of GMOs in food.

It has thus allocated food in 3 categories :

Green : the manufacturer warrants do not use animal products derived from animals fed with GMOs.

Orange : the manufacturer said they had started a process to exclude GMO animal feed, but can not yet guarantee that it uses more than all.

Red : the manufacturer does not certify that products derived from animals or animals, used in the manufacture of its products, come from animals fed without GMOs. Companies that have not answered us are also classified here.

Image extracted from the product with or without GMOs from Greenpeace guide

As you can see the Nutella is in the 3rd category.

Now here's what can be found on the website of Ferrero :

Ferrero has committed publicly to do not use GMOs. Not that GMOs are dangerous, those present on the market official authorisation procedures that have recognized their safety, but because consumers of products Ferrero unwilling GMOs. This position involves higher costs to ensure the absence of GMOs in our products.
We impose on our suppliers of the sectors non-GMO. It also involves checks throughout the chain of production from the fields to our factories. For example, soy lecithin, each batch is parsed prior to shipment and when it was received, either by an external accredited laboratory, either by an internal laboratory to ensure the absence of GMOs.”

What is really ? In the words of Greenpeace : “Manufacturers who make efforts have every interest to know”. The fact that Ferrero did not answer on its product to Greenpeace remains for the less suspicious.

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Paste has spread
Paste has spread
13 years earlier

and said chocolatiers that it make as much and less dangerous for health

5 years earlier

And in English, please?

13 years earlier

I find her annoying us captivated by all these artificial flavors while the natural instead of this nature make bring us enough in quantity.

12 years earlier

No dyes or preservatives species of big liar!!!!! Ferrero
Nutella = poison
breakfast not of all balanced car too acidifying food
juice of orange acid!
acid Nutella
acid milk
industrial enrich themselves on the health of people ,especially children !!!

11 years earlier
Reply to leberre

recipe has spread home for two pers

4 melted dark chocolate squares + 4 (c) a soup of mashed hazelnut ( Mark jean Hervé shop bio )
+ 1 c d agave syrup coffee

12 years earlier

in the biocop it is a paste has spread even better than nutella !
with a best composition
Here is the name (chekenut ,Hazelnut,cocoa )too good !!!
nutella yuck ! a slice of bread oil and sugar with an aftertaste too much white sugar that hard mouth ,normal car happens first in the ingredient list

12 years earlier

Strongly that you lock them these unscrupulous industrialists !

11 years earlier
Reply to Bernard

I am agree with you !!!

cum cake
cum cake
10 years earlier

Nutella is not necessary for survival, one can very well do without.
Those who continue to eat it is because they wish, I'm not going to complain them !
In addition, It is clubbed information about the toxicity of industrial food, few people can deny not having been informed at least once in their lives, so if people continue to be empoisoner informed, It is their problem !

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