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Filter jugs : a health hazard ?

In 2010, It sold 1 million filter jugs. Real society phenomenon, There are many families in France who have opted for this solution, which allows to filter the tap water. About 20% homes are equipped at present time. The German mark, Brita, is the undisputed leader with 90% sector market share.

The success of these carafes is due to several factors :

1) Marketing

According to the Union that defends the bottling industry, Brita segment 10% of its turnover to marketing, What is huge. The mark does not hide that it attaches great importance to advertising to become better consumers know and better showcase its products.

2) Of “assets” put forward

The filter jug is “more practical” Depending on the brand because it is more necessary to carry water bottles, It is more “economic” because the price per litre is greatly reduced and finally, greener car waste is less.

You should however know qualify these assets. Indeed, water from the tap is still preferred because is available immediately (a few minutes of waiting are necessary for water is filtered by a carafe). The tap water is even more economical as a carafe costs an average of 20 € to 50 € and cartridges, to change monthly, on average 7 €. The tap water is also of course more ecological because it is devoid of any “packaging” disposable (CF. cartridges that you throw every month).

The main selling point is their ability to filter water so as to make “best”. And it is on this point that the rub.

Member of Parliament for the Alpes-Maritimes, Mrs Marland-Militello asked the Minister of health and sports for a survey filter carafes be carried out. We read in the response of Roselyne Bachelot that “the use of filter jugs made today no recommendations by the Ministry of health, water from the public network should already conform to the regulatory requirements of quality”. We read also, not without some surprise, that of “incompletely of undesirable or toxic substances in the water consumed [outcome of filtering carafes] are possible” during intensive use or when the cartridges are not changed in time.

His side, Nathalie Davoisne, the water C.I (Water Information Center) says “prefer filtered water from the tap water, It is above all a matter of taste. Filtering does not improve the quality of the tap water, This water is subject to multiple controls and is perfectly drinkable. But if you choose to buy a Brita jug must think about changing the filters, otherwise There may be a health risk”.

What is really ?

Consumers ' association Only choose did a study on 7 new filter carafes in the laboratory and also studied those used every day in 30 families. The editor-in-Chief of the association, Jean-Paul Jay, has brought the findings early may 2010 France-Info.

Laboratory results :

  • The removal of chlorine taste is real. On the other hand you should know that you will have the same result, and this completely free of, leaving a jug of water for an hour in the refrigerator.
  • 6 carafes on 7 have one “some efficiency” to reduce lead levels (less than 10 micrograms per litre), When they are new. Jean-Paul Geai we must relativize these results because the lead pipes are becoming increasingly rare. In 2013 a standard provides that lead levels below 10 µg/L of water.
  • The decanters are totally inefficient to remove nitrate.
  • “The effectiveness of filtering carafes is very average” to eliminate the pesticides (Here the glyphosate has been sought because it is one of the most used pesticides).
  • Carafes boast all reduce the limestone. M. Jay says that “the reduction of the limestone is real but modest”. However he added that what the carafes called limestone is actually calcium, indispensable to the proper functioning of the human body. Studies estimate that the water we drink is 20% intakes of calcium per day. So it's totally ridiculous to remove it from the water.
  • The cartridges that also use Silver for filtration salts in replicating in water. According to that to choose even if “the doses are low” Why should one find after filtration while initially this metal is not present in the tap water ?

Outcomes for individuals :

The association alerts us that “There, It is the catastrophe” and says that “analysis of water filtered by these decanters in 30 families gives worse results than the tap water before filtration”. Lead, nitrates, limestone, pesticides, micro-organisms, the salting-out of money, are all found in larger proportions. “In the end the results are disastrous for filtered water” concluded that to choose.

There are several reason for this. It is necessary to handle the carafe with a lot of precaution (hand hygiene, etc.) otherwise the microbes can greatly multiply (especially in the ambient air). It must also be very strict with the replacement of cartridges which can, After a certain time, become tedious and costly or simply be forgotten.

Main sources :

Further reading :

Denis Lefevre and Vazken Andréassian : Water at Risk ? : A resource to preserve daily

Book - Water at Risk ?

Today, each uses French 148 liters of water for their daily needs. If our country appears rather well endowed with water, some regions have excess or shortage, or diffuse pollution. Will we run out of water ? Can we have confidence in tap water ?



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13 years earlier

I'm pretty cautious regarding this Article. Between the ends of articles “What to choose” without context, and comparisons between the silver salt and alluminum are two things that have nothing to do, I really wonder if the Brita filters presents a danger …

11 years earlier
Reply to Antoine

I notice that the danger of aluminum often seems retracted, in everything I read from Brita it is obsolument no mention about its filter jugs ! Disappointment.

11 years earlier
Reply to eva


Jugs only filter shortly see they reject more than they dépolluent!

IT must be done “sacrifice” for his health to gain a system that produces living water!

Nice evening


11 years earlier
Reply to damien

Living Water :I completely agree, but go about coment,
Thank you

9 years earlier
Reply to marie

For living water, look at solutions… on my site!

10 years earlier
Reply to Antoine

According to the terms of use, … Yes

9 years earlier
Reply to Antoine

You will find at this address “” a selection of simple solutions for filtration and a reflection on the purification processes.
Well cordially

12 years earlier

so what you have to choose?? water bottles are no longer recommended because of the plastic components, What is the best solution??we do not know

11 years earlier
Reply to ninth

Tap water!

11 years earlier
Reply to The

and all the meds of tap water!!!!

10 years earlier
Reply to bill

Rainwater !

9 years earlier
Reply to Tryz

…who will be busy all air pollutants ! There's no worse.

12 years earlier

Hello, Brita segment 10% of its turnover to marketing. It's possible, although I see some ads for this brand. Is that a lot, I do not know. However facing the advertising power of bottled water, marketing Brita must surely make pale. This reproach from a water bottle producers federation, it's a little hospital that cares for charity ! That said, the risks mentioned by doing your are surely real. I have a filter jug, not to remove the taste of chlorine, that actually disappears quickly, but the… Read more "

12 years earlier

For my part, the cost and environmental impact of bottled water I bought every month asking me growing problem. Not to mention the clutter at home ! I wondered if I was not going to equip me with a filter jug… but very skeptical because of bisphenol, plastic and monthly cost of the filters ... I found on the Internet site qui proposait des filtres contenant de l’argent colloïdal : Il élimine un grand nombre de bactéries pathogènes y compris des souches résistantes aux antibiotiques (E.coli par exemple) ainsi que bon nombre de virus, from… Read more "

9 years earlier
Reply to Brigitte



12 years earlier

Merci à Brigitte qui n’a pas la délicatesse d’indiquer qu’elle fait la promotion éhontée de sa fontaine filtrante
Du vraipublireportage”. A croire qu’elle y travaille
On voit bien madame michue, pardon madame brigitte trônant devant sa fontaine

12 years earlier


Sujet très interresant,merci pour l’article.

Meme si brigitte travaille pour ces fontaine peut importe, elle partage l’information ce qui est le but de nos échangesN’oublions pas que tout ce qui est ‘anti consoest toujours dénigré et c’est bien domage

Je voulais aussi parler d’un filtre durable qui supprime toutes ces contraintes (filtres à changer, bactéries etc) et qui apportent d’autres avantages mais je vais plutot vous laisser une adresse pour ne pas me faire accuser de Publireportage : .

Voilà vous avez l’info à vous de juger.

Madame Chose
Madame Chose
12 years earlier

Hello, D’accord pour la question des emballages, mais pour les autres arguments présents dans cet article, il en est peu qui tiennent vraiment la route. Concernant le calcaire, j’ai fait un test qui ne trompe pasavec un bol d’eau. Au bout de quelques semaines de remplissage de ce bol, une couche énorme de calcaire devait être supprimée avec du vinaigre; depuis que j’ai cette carafe, plus r-i-e-n. C’est donc réelet non «modeste». If you claim that Brita does not reduce the quantity of lead in tap water "because there are far fewer lead system… Read more "

11 years earlier
Reply to F. Boyat

What bothers me is that it is about a scientific study but nobody is quoted.
J’aimerai lire l’article scientifique, résultat de cette étude afin de pouvoir juger de sa validité.

Les test ont-ils été faits sur des échantillons suffisants ? Qu’en est-il des témoins ? Quel type de carafe est testé ? etc etc

Je pense qu’on ne peux pas simplement direune étude scientifique à été réalisée et montre que…” sans donner les noms des scientifiques en question et un lien vers l’article !

10 years earlier
Reply to Audrey

Avez-vous eu des réponses quant à la source de l’étude scientifique menée ?

Il me paraît intéressant de vérifier la fiabilité de cette étude via les personnes qui ont mené ces recherches.

12 years earlier

L’eau embouteillée est partout en ce moment, and I must admit it's convenient. Sadly, it's terrible on the environment. All plastic, all shipping and transport trucks, just for something that comes right out of your tap. well, if you are not a fan of tap water, take a look at water purifiers Stefani. They will give you water the same taste as bottled, but are much cheaper, and much greener. Stefani water filters are a more natural way to purify water. The Stéfani filters… Read more "

11 years earlier
Reply to bilou

if this is not the pub..

12 years earlier

Without being a great scientist I have reasonable technical basis and I am surprised by a lot of ability ( original article and readers ) using inaccurate and even some false arguments to justify their beliefs . The water supplied is safe so no significant danger drinking except for health which is not to say that it is good to taste and active coal can admit that filtration removes the origin of tastes and odors . We can also remember that it is the dose that makes the poison and often (but not… Read more "

12 years earlier

Agreeing with DA54, including: “I think we can also agree that misused carafe can be contaminated with bacteria or other but I do not see how she could bring lead, nitrates, limestone and pesticides without having at least taken from the water during previous uses.” Was, it's the immaculate conception, is the immaculate contamination… And about the history of limestone: calcium or no calcium, by region, there are more or less hard water. ” Studies estimate that the water we drink is 20% intakes of calcium per day. ” average yet… Read more "

12 years earlier
Reply to dUP

hello Ndup & DA54, I venture an explanation for : “I do not see how it could bring lead, nitrates, limestone and pesticides without having at least taken from the water during previous uses” totally agree with you, However, I think the author of the article emphasizes more the fact that if indeed these materials, lead, nitrates, limestone and pesticides, have arrived by water that has been filtered (tap), they are not absorbed gradually (in bad filter maintenance), but massively by the body, of danger or !!! (in the same way that certain substances… Read more "

12 years earlier

Hello, My case Character : I was offered a britax m I am served 3 max month. I got sick meningeal syndromes m had told, analyses, blood test, cultures etc….. , nothing after two days of symptoms. Some months after re meningeal symptoms re analysis taking blood cultures and lumbar puncture ! Nothing short rest we leave and then after some months we are back in……. Point made with doctor : that is what has changed in your life eating places objects etc.…. Yes the britax ?… Read more "

11 years earlier

Hello, to respond to messages posted, the only solution was ennoncée as high quality is buying bottled water glass but it's unaffordable luxury. This is the only total quality protection so that it can keep its virtues and not be contaminated during transport. Another flaw that t he water from either the pending height.

11 years earlier

I can not stand tap water, every time I drink, I make the’ aérophagie et j’ai des douleurs au ventre pendant au minimum 4 hours! si par la même occasion quelqu’un pourrait me renseigner à ce sujet, de quel composant provient lintolérance de mon organisme à l’eau du robinet? j’ai donc pris lhabitude de boire de l’eau filtrée, et durant ma grossesse, j’ai eu des crampes musculaires sévères car j’étais en déficit de magnésium. Alors je sais maintenant que l’on trouve du calcium dans l’eau du robinet, mais du magnésium? et si les… Read more "

11 years earlier

C’est le bât qui blesse et non lebas”. Arrêtez de massacrer l’orthographe ! Thank you.

Patrice Lemitre
Patrice Lemitre
11 years earlier

Personally, je suis un fervent utilisateur des carafes filtrantes. J’ai d’ailleurs écrit un article spécifique à ce sujet sur mon site « Comme Robinson dans la crise ». Il est évident qu’il y a une bonne manière de l’utiliser et l’article ci-dessus rappelle les points essentiels. What to choose ? dit des âneries en affirmant que dans l’eau filtré il y a plus de tout ce qui était censé être supprimé. A moins que dans leur labo, ils croient encore à la génération spontanée… J’espère que le lobbie de l’eau n’est pas là derrière… Les tests effectués par 60 million of… Read more "

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