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Filter jugs : a health hazard ?

In 2010, It sold 1 million filter jugs. Real society phenomenon, There are many families in France who have opted for this solution, which allows to filter the tap water. About 20% homes are equipped at present time. The German mark, Brita, is the undisputed leader with 90% sector market share.

The success of these carafes is due to several factors :

1) Marketing

According to the Union that defends the bottling industry, Brita segment 10% of its turnover to marketing, What is huge. The mark does not hide that it attaches great importance to advertising to become better consumers know and better showcase its products.

2) Of “assets” put forward

The filter jug is “more practical” Depending on the brand because it is more necessary to carry water bottles, It is more “economic” because the price per litre is greatly reduced and finally, greener car waste is less.

You should however know qualify these assets. Indeed, water from the tap is still preferred because is available immediately (a few minutes of waiting are necessary for water is filtered by a carafe). The tap water is even more economical as a carafe costs an average of 20 € to 50 € and cartridges, to change monthly, on average 7 €. The tap water is also of course more ecological because it is devoid of any “packaging” disposable (CF. cartridges that you throw every month).

The main selling point is their ability to filter water so as to make “best”. And it is on this point that the rub.

Member of Parliament for the Alpes-Maritimes, Mrs Marland-Militello asked the Minister of health and sports for a survey filter carafes be carried out. We read in the response of Roselyne Bachelot that “the use of filter jugs made today no recommendations by the Ministry of health, water from the public network should already conform to the regulatory requirements of quality”. We read also, not without some surprise, that of “incompletely of undesirable or toxic substances in the water consumed [outcome of filtering carafes] are possible” during intensive use or when the cartridges are not changed in time.

His side, Nathalie Davoisne, the water C.I (Water Information Center) says “prefer filtered water from the tap water, It is above all a matter of taste. Filtering does not improve the quality of the tap water, This water is subject to multiple controls and is perfectly drinkable. But if you choose to buy a Brita jug must think about changing the filters, otherwise There may be a health risk”.

What is really ?

Consumers ' association Only choose did a study on 7 new filter carafes in the laboratory and also studied those used every day in 30 families. The editor-in-Chief of the association, Jean-Paul Jay, has brought the findings early may 2010 France-Info.

Laboratory results :

  • The removal of chlorine taste is real. On the other hand you should know that you will have the same result, and this completely free of, leaving a jug of water for an hour in the refrigerator.
  • 6 carafes on 7 have one “some efficiency” to reduce lead levels (less than 10 micrograms per litre), When they are new. Jean-Paul Geai we must relativize these results because the lead pipes are becoming increasingly rare. In 2013 a standard provides that lead levels below 10 µg/L of water.
  • The decanters are totally inefficient to remove nitrate.
  • “The effectiveness of filtering carafes is very average” to eliminate the pesticides (Here the glyphosate has been sought because it is one of the most used pesticides).
  • Carafes boast all reduce the limestone. M. Jay says that “the reduction of the limestone is real but modest”. However he added that what the carafes called limestone is actually calcium, indispensable to the proper functioning of the human body. Studies estimate that the water we drink is 20% intakes of calcium per day. So it's totally ridiculous to remove it from the water.
  • The cartridges that also use Silver for filtration salts in replicating in water. According to that to choose even if “the doses are low” Why should one find after filtration while initially this metal is not present in the tap water ?

Outcomes for individuals :

The association alerts us that “There, It is the catastrophe” and says that “analysis of water filtered by these decanters in 30 families gives worse results than the tap water before filtration”. Lead, nitrates, limestone, pesticides, micro-organisms, the salting-out of money, are all found in larger proportions. “In the end the results are disastrous for filtered water” concluded that to choose.

There are several reason for this. It is necessary to handle the carafe with a lot of precaution (hand hygiene, etc.) otherwise the microbes can greatly multiply (especially in the ambient air). It must also be very strict with the replacement of cartridges which can, After a certain time, become tedious and costly or simply be forgotten.

Main sources :

Further reading :

Denis Lefevre and Vazken Andréassian : Water at Risk ? : A resource to preserve daily

Book - Water at Risk ?

Today, each uses French 148 liters of water for their daily needs. If our country appears rather well endowed with water, some regions have excess or shortage, or diffuse pollution. Will we run out of water ? Can we have confidence in tap water ?



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J-C Langlois
J-C Langlois
11 years earlier

RPZ la carafe bleue elle c’est un truc d’ANCIEN sîSï

J-C Langlois
J-C Langlois
11 years earlier

Un ours dans la classe vie sur une ile de tahiti

11 years earlier

Dis donc, tu te crois marant?? Retourne jouer à la marelle petit kikoolol.
Kind regards
Jean-Pignon de Paris

11 years earlier

Hi all, Mon commentaire pourra vous faire sourire, mais pour ma part je suis intéressée par l’obtention d’une eau sans chlore et sans calcaire, non pas pour la boire maispour mes cheveux 🙂 C’est sur un registre esthétique mais néanmoins important pour beaucoup de gens (women?) I think so. Je voyage beaucoup et je remarque immanquablement que mes cheveux revivent lorsque je les lave avec l’eau plus douce de villes étrangères. L’économie sur les différents soins capillaires hors de prix (qui en plus n’ont pas de réel effet) pourrait être énorme. Selon vous, est-ce que les inconvénients cités ici… Read more "

11 years earlier
Reply to Filoute

Hello, Si vous souhaitez vous lavez les cheveux avec une brita, ça ne posera pas de problème à vos cheveux mais ça ne changera rien non plus! Les cheveux sont plus doux lorsqu’ils sont lavé dans une eau douce, donc une eau qui contient peu de calcaire. La brita n’est pas vraiment la solution à ce problèmeLes gens qui investissent dans un adouciseur d’eau par exemple, constate un effet reel sur leur peau et leur cheveux : ils sont tout doux ! Et c’est juste parce qu’un adoucisseur enleve la majorité du calcaire de l’eau. Brief, la Brita c’est… Read more "

11 years earlier
Reply to Kim

the water softener are divalent ion exchangers so they remove more than limestone, they remove calcium. the water we drink is nearby 20% of the daily intake of calcium so better to drink bottled water if you used softeners…

10 years earlier
Reply to Kim

A little vinegar in the rinse water and voila!!!

10 years earlier
Reply to Dima

Hi all,

Softeners produce water that is not safe to drink except “natural”!
Softeners produce salty water harmful to your health and that of water heaters such as pipes!!!

Take solutions!

11 years earlier

On the French site BRITA, il n’est nullement mis en avant que l’utilisation de leur carafe filtrante apporte un bénéfice à la santé de leurs clients. “Vous et votre famille disposez d’un ingrédient idéal pour la préparation de boissons chaudes aromatiques comme le thé ou le café et pour la cuisson de vos aliments. Celle-ci est également bénéfique pour vos appareils ménagers puisqu’elle les protège du calcaire.BRITA ne promeut qu’un intérêt gustatif et l’allongement de la durée de vie des bouilloires et des fers à repasser. Il est conseillé d’utiliser l’eau filtrée pour des préparations chaudes (the, coffee, plats… Read more "

11 years earlier
Reply to Berthe33

On the French site BRITA, il est indiqué comment conserver au mieux l’eau filtrée BRITA :

« Votre carafe BRITA contenant de l’eau filtrée se conserve idéalement ans un endroit frais, par exemple au réfrigérateur. Protégez la carafe des rayons du soleil et utilisez l’eau filtrée dans un délai d’1 à 2 days. »

Pour imiter l’exemple donné, je ne vois pas d’autre endroit qu’une cave fraîche et sombre. Qui veut déguster le cru BRITA ?

11 years earlier

Je suis tombé sur cet article en cherchant un moyen de filtrer le chlore de l’eau du robinet, excusez-moi si j’ai du mal à comprendre votre conclusion:
Lead, nitrates, limestone, pesticides, la microbiologie, the salting-out of money, are all found in larger proportions. « Au final les résultats sont désastreux pour l’eau filtrée »

Est-ce que vous voulez dire par là que les cartouches des carafes filtrantes contiendraient du plomb, des nitrates, du calcaire, pesticide? Comment une eau filtrée pourrait-elles contenir plus de tous ces produits après avoir été filtrée? Je ne comprend pas

11 years earlier

Hello, je souhaite savoir si l’eau filtrée en carafe permet de boire en voyage de l’eau dont la potabilité n’est pas assurée ( en général j’achète de l’eau capsulée)

Thank you

11 years earlier

bonjour a tous concernant le magnesium et autres elements,du meme genre ,contenus dans l’eau ne sont pas assimilables par le corps, It is necessary to
passer par les plantes pour que ce soit assimilable

Kind regards

11 years earlier

Hello, Je suis en fin d’étude de biochimie et biologie moléculaire. Je suis toujours étonné de la masse d’informations bidons que l’on peut retrouver sur internet, cette étude fait partie des plus gros fake qu’on peut y trouver. Connaissant la composition des filtre Brita (résine échangeuse d’ions et charbon actif en grande partie) je peux affirmer qu’il est impossible que la quantité de nitrates et de pesticides soit plus importante à la sortie qu’a l’entrée du filtre (vous remarquerez qu’aucun lien donné comme ressource ne confirme cette affirmation) quand a la quantité de micro-organismes (et non de microbiologie qui veut… Read more "

Emily Devroede
Emily Devroede
5 years earlier
Reply to Biochman

Pourriez-vous m’en dire plus ? Ca m’intéresse 🙂

11 years earlier

que pensez des carafes filtrantes Kyso, qui elle se disent écologiques et fabriquées en France?

revuesaveur de juin 2013page 22

merci de m’éclairer.

le pointu.

11 years earlier

Document the larger and more readable to navigate the jungle of the recommendations for filtration : “The small guide of filtered water” available on the web or in stores Biocoop

9 years earlier
Reply to OBIJAJU

Sorry to disappoint you, This article only talks about reverse osmosis and does not speak of all rejected water, maintenance, the risk of faults and the fact that it is valid only for a single point of water.

Buy gold
Buy gold
9 years earlier
Reply to OBIJAJU

I use refills “Hydropure” I periodically changes, and I made an analysis of the water in my drill with and without filtering, result : With 2,60 mg / L; without filtering 32,0 mg / L
Vous voyez que c’est possible, le problème c’est que ça coûte cher, et tout ça à cause des pollueurs
Bonjour chez vous!

11 years earlier

He did y away from secret, je pense que pour avoir une eau zéro défaut de filtration , c’est l’osmose inverse qui ai recommandé . Il faudrait une aide des pouvoir public pour cela car cela coute chère

10 years earlier
Reply to Dima

Bonjour dima 😉
Enfin quelqu’un qui réagit intelligemment ! Actually, si vous voulez boire de l’eau “pure”, then reverse osmosis is a filtration system water containing substances in solution by a very fine filtering system that only lets water molecules. When the lava-laundry, coffee maker, Kettle and other white vinegar is excellent no need for many 10 ML is more than enough for each cleaning. Now the price of a reverse osmosis unit is not given, But if we want quality today we must pay the price !
More info here :

10 years earlier
Reply to Munier


If we filter the tap water we can do for the home as well on… with a lesser degree but the important thing is to have a lively and structured water!

Pay attention to the level of filtration anyway, even with a reverse osmosis unit!

Beautiful day

9 years earlier
Reply to Damien

I agree with Damien. The water must be “living”.

8 years earlier
Reply to Wilfrid

Merci Wilfrid, et là solution c’est ici:

Nice evening

9 years earlier
Reply to Dima

Some simple methods of filtration
Well cordially

11 years earlier

bonjour moi je suis sportif en moyen 10h par semaine et ais besoin de boire bcp pour l’imiter crampes et courbature(2L/day),I drank the bottle of tap water,but never water friend filtre.un me Board a brita economy and best tasting water carafe its withdraws thing full of movaise of the eau.ok I in purchased a Bizar since I am aching cramps bcp yet I still drink 2L of water per day,but 2L of water filtre.cela made 2 weeks that I ais stop water filtered miracle no more cramps or aches. l’eau filtré ne doit pas etre si bonne que ca pour notre… Read more "

9 years earlier
Reply to Raphael

Quite. Tap water contains calcium (the limestone also responsible) This filter eliminates. Consequence : more cramps by non elimination of toxins, simply due to lack of calcium.

11 years earlier

For my part, I use a filter jug only for the use of my espresso and I am more than satisfied. Indeed, I have more no deposit or soiling calcareous (may be calcium…) of the latter. Whereas previously I utisais not far from a bottle of white vinegar per month for descaling.

9 years earlier
Reply to Vlad

And what water consumed you every day ? Water from the tap ?

11 years earlier

The question of chlorine which is an irritant should not be a matter of taste. Regularly ingested chlorine has non-trivial effects. It is important to consume a rid of chlorine water (and not removed from the taste of chlorine). For my part, I invested in a premium system for processing water (necessarily more expensive than the Brita). When the water has found food quality (and not waste sanitized and deodorized), it a pleasure to consume more without forcing, including children. Issue health and also issue economy, c’est un… Read more "

11 years earlier
Reply to Fred

Hello Fred,
I have water in the mouth !
What is the investment that allows “a premium system for processing water” (SIC).
Thanks Fred' water.

9 years earlier
Reply to EV13007

Reverse osmosis, filter carafe, Fountain on a work plan. All of these solutions require maintenance, consumables and it is valid for a single point of water. Perso, We have opted for a system that treats the problem at the source, that is to say at the point of arrival of water from the House.
Now, our entire House is protected from the limestone, water is water quality from source to all our water points and we ask more questions. This is simple is effective.

9 years earlier
Reply to Wilfrid

Hello Wilfired, What is the system that you are using, that request t it as maintenance? Cost?

9 years earlier
Reply to Fred

J’espère que votre système est écologique et qu’il ne demande pas d’entretien 🙂

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