News Year 2012 October Recalls

Recall of chopped frozen Steaks

Steak frozen axe

Steak Haché Congelé

ELIVIA Eloyes society conducted the recall of certain lots of frozen chopped steaks due to the discovery of the presence ofEscherichia coli O 157 :H7.

The product concerned is marketed under the brand Pack economic by the signs Crossroads, Carrefour Market and Champion. Packed in cartons of 2,5 kg (25 frozen chopped steaks 100 GR. with 20% fat), they were put on sale from 11 to the 16 October 2012 included.

Emballage Steaks Haches Surgeles


Additional references :

The cardboard packaging lot number : 91630205

Lot of individual packages No. : 630205

UBD (at best before the) : 26 July 2013

Veterinary identification number : FR 88 158 002 THIS

BARCODE : 3 265 980 349 663


It is advisable to, for people who bought these products, from not eatenr but from the report at the point of sale for a refund.

A toll-free number is available for any questions : 0800 94 08 75

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Irene (from Facebook)
Irene (from Facebook)
11 years earlier

that is what is called steaks to shit !

Ovila legarer
Ovila legarer
11 years earlier

Esquecherienchia a coli asked the doctor it seems iperdangereux this stuff…..

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